Monday, June 15, 2009

New products available for Fathers Day, well almost!

Wow! I can't believe Father's Day has snuck up on us so quickly. Well, I must tell you our new products have arrived! Okay, so we are a little late for Father's Day, but who doesn't love daddy all year long. Here's a sneek peek at our newest products...Oh and Yes, that is my little chunky monkey Grace sportin "daddy's answered prayers"

Here she is again with our much requested "grandpa's answered prayers"

With twins girls that are approaching 8 months old and our 3 1/2 year old son there is a lot of screaming, teething, crying and whining going around here most days. One day as both of my daughters' were looking at me with their beautiful innocent tear filled blue eyes, I said to them "I know honey...." then this sweet little phrase came to mind... "it's not crying, i'm Praising the LORD!

Since it's arrival on Friday, we are now back-ordered on it and it will be available for shipping again on Wednesday, June 18th. Now, who wouldn't love one of these for their little bundle of joy!


Mindy said...

LOVE IT!!!!! I have three girls 7,5,4 -- do you have anything that would fit them?
Also have one 9 month old little boy. I want to get him the one that says God's not finished with me yet.

and I'm thinking about the praising the Lord one....don't know if it is too girly or not.

Anonymous said...

Cute onesies!!!!!! I love them!!!! I love your new one too.....ha ha ha .....It reminds me of my Avery!!! :0)

I hope all is well!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm visiting from Multiples and More! I just wanted to say I love your products! My favorite is "I'm not crying, I'm praising the Lord." I wish we would have had them this week for Bible school! I can't wait get them for my little men!

shawna said...

These are so sweet. I am visiting from the Multiples and More blog, and I would DEFINITELY get the "angels are watching over me" onesie.

Charity Donovan said...

I am visiting from Multiples & More. I love the "Mommy's Answered Prayers" in Pink & Brown! ADORABLE!

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

Visiting from M&More. I love the tee be patient, God is not finished with me yet! My twinners definitely need our patience... lol

KJ said...

These are adorable! I'm visiting from the Multiples and More blog, and I especially love the "I'm not crying, I'm praising the Lord" boys always make tons of noise during our church service and that's what I always think of!

Karen said...

Hi there Faith Baby~ I came over from Multiples and more and love all of your stuff! I like the "All God's Grace in this tiny face" and the "It's not crying, I'm praising the Lord!" These are so cute and would look adorable of my twin girls!

Anonymous said...

I'm here from Multiples and More, too! I love the "Not Spoiled, Blessed!" shirt. I love all the colors, but I think I'd like the magenta on pink, size 3-6 months. I love your shirts! My twins will be here any day now. :)

Macchiatto said...

I'm here from the Multiples and More blog. I'd love to enter the giveaway! (I have 5-month-old twin boys.) My favorite is the "Mommy's answered prayers" onesie. :)

Jen said...

Hello. I came over from Multiples & More Blog. I have 22 month old twin girls (18 months corrected, they were born at 22 weeks) and I love the pink "I am a blessed baby" onesies.

Jen said...

I just left a comment and started looking around your blog.
Oh my goodness. I just realized your twin girls. My twin girls are named Grace & Faith also. How precious.

Marcie said...

I'm visiting from M&M and I can't decide!! I love them all! I was prepared to say "Mommy's Answered Prayer" but I think I think "All God's Grace in This Tiny Face" is soooo sweet! ...although, "Be patient God's Not Finished With Me Yet" is probably the most fitting for my little monkeys! Thanks for the giveaway! My fingers are crossed!

Doubly Blessed said...

I'm visiting from the Multiples blog too! I am LOVING your clothes! I think my fav's are "all God's grace... and answer to daddy's/ mommy's prayers"

Felicia said...

I absolutely LOVE the I'm Praising shirt! How wonderful! I am a lover of all things showing faith!

Grabbing a button! BTW.. I also LOVE almond M&M's! They are the best!

Karen said...

Truly cute and adorable. Your little models are charmers!

Karen of Baby's Own Room